Reid credits Gina at CareerForce in Bloomington for his quick transition to new job

14 Dec 2023


Reid submitted his success story and called out Gina Meixner at CareerForce in Bloomington for all of her help. Here's his story in his own words:

"When I found myself in job transition I immediately jumped into the task of finding my next job. I took advantage of every resource that I could including CareerForce. One challenge for me was finding the focus to paint a picture of who I am, what I was looking for, and what I bring to an employer. With assistance from others and reflection, I landed on a representation that reflects me. I found Gina Meixner's wealth of knowledge and experience to be very helpful. The lunch and learn opportunity she hosts was particularly valuable. Because of the resources, perseverance, and some good luck my transition time was two months."

Read the original article here.